August 2022 Newsletter
Club Members, we hope all of you are having a wonderful summer. Soon it will start cooling off and we will have our first meeting October 5.
Big news – This summer Honeywell-Garrett Retirees Club became a nonprofit corporation. We were a nonprofit association. We also expect to obtain IRS 501(c)(3) status shortly. That means both dues and donations are tax-deductible and 100% of your donations will go for scholarship assistance to Honeywell-Garrett Retirees Club descendants. This is great.
Dues – Prior to the Oct 5 meeting, you will be receiving via paper mail Club Dues Notice. As mentioned in the May newsletter we had to raise Dues to $15. The prime reason is we are back to having live meetings and the Scottsdale Senior Center is charging us rent for the room and audio video equipment. The Dues Notice will show if you are delinquent or paid in advance.